Integrated Management System
Cepemar Soluções em Meio Ambiente considers this policy a commitment to the integrated management of Quality, Safety, Environment and Health in all locations and facilities in which it operates, and reinforces its commitment to “Meet the satisfaction of its customers and employees by the guarantee of supply of adequate products and services, the prevention of occupational injuries and illnesses in its workforce and in the occurrence of environmental pollution, in accordance with the commitment to the established ethical principles”:
Seeking to meet customer requirements and expectations,
Commitment to act to protect human beings and the environment, through management practices to eliminate safety, occupational health and environment risks, in order to prevent pollution and the occurrence of accidents and occupational diseases,
Commits to comply with the applicable legislation and other requirements subscribed by the company,
Appreciation and training of its human resources with the participation and consultation of all,
Promotion of impartiality, independence and integrity in all areas of activity,
Commitment to the continuous improvement of its processes through the maintenance of the quality, health, environment and safety management system.